Criando Conexões através da Comunicação

Sou uma profissional de Comunicação e Marketing que ajuda marcas, pessoas e empresas em todo o mundo a desbloquear seu potencial, criar narrativas cativantes e obter resultados.

Quer elevar o nível do seu negócio?


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Aqui é o lugar para compartilhar conteúdo, pensamentos, ideias e discussões sobre Marketing, Comunicação e tudo o que está no nesse meio.

Vamos trabalhar juntos?

Eu posso ajudar o seu negócio a alçar um próximo nível

A comunicação pode levar o seu negócio para o próximo nível, alcançando mais clientes em potencial e obtendo mais resultados. E eu posso ajudar você e sua marca a aprimorarem sua estratégia de marketing e comunicação e levar o seu negócio para o próximo nível.


Comunicação Estratégica

Estratégias poderosas de comunicação para marcas globais. Impulsione campanhas impactantes com um profissional confiável de marketing e comunicação.

Foco em Resultados

Experimente as habilidades de um profissional de marketing e comunicação que trabalhou com marcas globais, oferecendo estratégias vencedoras para um máximo impacto.

Soluções completas

Da estratégia à execução, maximize o impacto da sua marca por meio de serviços abrangentes de comunicação, oferecidos por um especialista em marketing com mais de 10 anos de experiência.

About me

Trabalho com marcas globais há mais de 10 anos

Eu tenho ajudado pessoas e empresas a resolver problemas há muito tempo – e Marketing e Comunicações são a forma como eu escolho fazer isso.

Se você está procurando um profissional de marketing e comunicações que possa trazer criatividade, inovação e soluções orientadas por resultados para a sua organização, vamos conversar.

Projetos feitos

Pessoas gerenciadas

Anos no mercado

Alcance o potencial do seu negócio através da comunicação estratégica

Potencialize o seu trabalho, cative a sua audiência e desbloqueie oportunidades infinitas. É hora de liberar o potencial do seu negócio e deixar a sua marca no mundo.

Andreza is a great team player! She is always ready to help, bring up fresh ideas to solve different challenges and work together on various projects whenever needed. She is an authentic problem solver that I always enjoyed having around because I know she would do her best to find the most suitable way to face a situation. Also, Andreza is great at creating communication strategies and, if needed, implementing them as fast as she can. Always in a good mood, resilience is another strength. Working with her was a pleasure and I would want to have her as a partner in future endeavours.

Camila Ferreira

Business Manager - Learning Hub, VanHack

Andreza is an extraordinarily competent and committed professional. I was her coordinator and her professor in Communication and Marketing in Digital Media graduate course, and throughout the course, she demonstrated an above-average ability to analyze situations and propose solutions to business with the support of digital media. In addition, she was the marketing coordinator in many projects at Unu Soluções and Digaí and she had a great performance in planning, leadership teamwork, and implementing solutions. I really recommend her.

Felipe Pereira

Entrepreneur, Speaker and Author, Unu Digital

Andreza's mastery of her core role and the projects that extended beyond it - such as institutional projects and partnerships with stakeholders - was critical to the company's growth. She is the 'Active Campaign' super star, fun to work with and has excellent analytical skills. On top of all the good things, Andreza is centered and know how to manage people and processes in a fast-paced environment. It was a delight to have had the chance to work alongside her.

Nidia Panizza

Marketing Manager, VanHack

Andreza is a handful team player, always ready to contribute. We had the opportunity to collaborate together in several projects where she was responsible for planning virtual events and webinars from the concept to the marketing strategy, to then presenting it live to audiences with hundreds of attendees. She is a solid public speaker, a strong planner, a highly skilled and creative market strategist, besides always bringing a smile to every team meeting she's at. It was a pleasure to build a partnership beyond the work place.

Aline Bicudo

CEO & Founder , Job Interview Pro

Andreza is an excellent professional, competent and dynamic, with an amazing ability to learn and inspire you.

She was my direct boss for nearly two years in a digital marketing agency in Brazil and she helped me take the first steps in the digital marketing area, online presence of planning, management, social networking, SEO techniques and online advertising.
I am from the tourist area and had to learn from scratch and Andreza had patience, humility and gentleness to teach me. She also came from a different area, design, and certainly had to learn from scratch. Maybe that's why we work so well together. I hope to have the opportunity to work more often with Andreza, because I know that she is a human being and a professional ever evolving.

Natalia Menezes

Customer Service y Aprendiz de Desarrolladora, TIMP

Andreza is an excellent digital marketing professional. She has abilities and interests in marketing and content strategy. While we worked together, she proved to be very engaged in working as a team player.
She knows how to maintain and build interpersonal relationships in the workplace and shares a lot of knowledge with her team.

Stéphanie Albuquerque

Customer Success, Useflow

Working with Andreza has been an amazing experience. She is extremely diligent, and very professional. I worked under her supervision, and she has been a great manager and mentor - her empathetic attitude and helping nature always spread positivity in the team. She is always open to hear the issues and challenges, and has given tremendous support and advice on how to overcome them. She has never belittled any problems that the team faced, and always motivated us. It has been my pleasure to work with such a brilliant manager.

Bitan Banerjee

Senior Tech Recruiter, Talpa Solutions

I want to take a moment to recommend Andreza as an amazing Marketing Communications Lead.

Andreza is a fantastic leader who has a knack for inspiring and motivating the team towards common goals. She communicates effectively with stakeholders, and team members, which helps everyone stay on the same page and work towards the same goal.

Andreza's knowledge and expertise in Engagement Marketing Strategies have been invaluable in guiding our team through some challenging projects. She is always willing to lend a hand and provide support and guidance whenever needed. Her leadership style creates a positive work environment that encourages innovation and creativity.

Andreza is a stellar manager who excels at delegating tasks and responsibilities, while also providing constructive feedback to help team members grow and develop. She is always available to discuss concerns, provide mentorship, and offer guidance.

I highly recommend Andreza as a leader and manager. She has been an essential part of our team's success, and I have no doubt that she will continue to thrive in her future endeavors.

Rute Marques

Social Media Manager, Pixelmatters